Our Honey Bee Housing Complex

Our Honey Bee Housing Complex

The honey bees and hives at the Community Gardens at Oak Grove are now managed and owned by Christian Shaffer of Honey So Good. Honey bees are hard at work in and around our community garden, playing a crucial role in the ecosystems! There’s a lot of clover (that the bees love) growing in our grassy areas, and we also have pollinator gardens planted in several plots that are maintained by volunteers, giving the bees plenty of nectar to make their honey.

Honey So Good Apiary actually had its beginnings with the mission of the Community Garden at Oak Grove Lutheran Church. We had started bee hives as part of our efforts to end local food insecurities and as a means of increasing the yields in the garden. However, the hives became too much for us to maintain.

Honey So Good took over managing the bees, playing an important beekeeper role in honey bee survival. Before long they were putting hives all over Beaver and Butler County, while taking every opportunity to educate local communities about the value of this marvelous insect. The community effort to end poverty, care for creation, and educate the public were, and continue to be the driving forces behind Honey So Good.

We are so blessed to be partners!

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