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Our gardeners are the heart of Oak Grove and help keep us growing. We welcome gardeners of all levels. No knowledge of gardening is required, and the community garden is happy to help newcomers learn.

All natural and ready to plant. Tools and water are provided.

$25 fee per 10’x 20’ plot. Free for 100% food donation.

You will find us playing in the dirt from May 28 – October 15 (weather permitting), dawn to dusk.

Plots are limited. Reserve yours now!

PLOT CONTRACT – Plots are all filled for 2024, but you can review the 2024 Plot Contract for reference for next year.


The Oak Grove Community Garden, an all-volunteer organization, continues to thrive because of our volunteers.

We are proud of our growth, from our beginning of 18 plots to today’s 60 plots, many beehives owned and managed by Honey So Good, a shed full of equipment, and a pavilion complete with electric lights and seating. We continue to thrive because of the efforts of our dedicated volunteers.

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